Meet the crew: Q and A with our Communications Designer, Andrea.

“The best opportunities come when you least expect them, so naturally Laika for me came out of the blue!” 

Meet Andrea, Laika’s Communication Designer. She joined the spaceship last October whilst finishing off her degree in Communication Design. “It’s basically Visual Communications and Graphic Design. During my studies I felt I had too few classes on too many subjects (illustration, typography, expography, interactive design, advertising, just to name a few) but in retrospect I realise that is the way to study applied sciences”.

Not coming from a traditional PR background, her journey to Laika was somewhat unconventional. “I used to work for an amazing local bookstore as a freelance design consultant. One day, when I was speaking with the owner of the bookstore, the doorbell rang, and she went running excitedly to open the door, welcoming a bright-eyed, energetic lady with a massive smile. This is when I was introduced to Veronica, Laika’s former Interim Head of Marketing. After a little chit-chat and sharing a few jokes, I sat back and listened to a fascinating interview between Vero and the manager, as she voluntarily brainstormed ideas to help the bookstore with marketing. It was an incredible first impression. We connected on LinkedIn to stay in touch.

A year later, as I started to consider a change in my professional career, I reached out to Vero in the hope that she would remember me. Thankfully, she did!” 

What’s your dream meal?

“This changes daily, but a loyal constant is Mexican food; Chilaquiles and some Taquitos never fail my heart to skip a beat”. 

Dream vacation spot? 

“I daydream of going back to my Grandma’s hometown in Venezuela. It's in a city called Coro in the North West of the country, and to get to it you have to cross a Desert National Park, and on the other side you can arrive to the beach. Honestly, it's where I feel truly at home, and I haven’t been there in ages. I would love to go for like a whole month and just drive back and forth to all nature reservoirs in the area and eat as much as I can, all fried food of course.”

Favourite musical artist?

I hate this question… really, how am I supposed to choose? I usually get 3 or 4 songs from an artist that I play them on absolute repeat until I cannot hear the songs again for a few months. But my latest discovery is Gizmo Varillas. His songs are so chill and easy on the ears, good for working during the summer. 

What TV show are you binging?

“At the moment, I’m re-watching Supernatural for the gazillionth time.I first saw it when I was 13 and it seriously did something to my brain.  I love to watch and read about epic stories that a) make my problems seem less scary, b) act as a counterweight to the more mundane activities in life. I also love this show because of all the reference to folklore, myths, and legends; I’m a sucker for this stuff and I truly enjoy learning about it.  

Hot take? 

The Kardashians are smarter than people set them out to be. Honestly, the brain power and sheer force of will that is required to market yourself as queens of an empire and be in the public eye ALL THE TIME is insane. Kris Jenner can take on absolutely anyone in strategy, she's an official part of my DBR (Dream Blunt Rotation).