Against the "Counter" culture: A plea for greater unity among agencies

By Michaela Krause

As the saying goes, "One crow pecks out another's eye" – or why agencies should unite instead of tearing each other down.

"What annoys me about other agencies"

"We're not your average agency"

"Is your PR making you sad? Come to me, I'll dry your tears."

Or even,

"The PR work of others is crap, totally old-fashioned and not at all up to date with what makes good stories, completely disconnected in a wannabe professionalization orgy."

Please excuse the language of the latter quote, which certainly does not reflect my own. Nevertheless, it encapsulates a longstanding issue that has been a thorn in my side for years: the constant, unnecessary crossfire within our own ranks against the agency model itself and the services of other agencies. I've been reading these quotes and similar expressions in industry publications for years. They are so common that they can no longer be dismissed as isolated self-promotion. They cement the image of perpetually gossiping, scheming communication professionals.

When two quarrel, the third rejoices – and in our industry, this third party is often the client. In our field, one crow typically pecks out the eye of another, only to lose feathers in the next move. I am convinced that this does us no favors, and further diminishes our already often undervalued worth. It's a vicious cycle that leads to even more internal pressure for justification. Yet, it's unnecessary. Those who know their worth speak of it – not of others. Those with genuine values embody them in the world without preaching.

It is time for us as agencies to stop competing against each other and start working together. Instead of engaging in constant competition for clients and recognition, we should focus our energies on advancing our industry as a whole. Innovation and collaboration are key to sustainable growth and greater appreciation of our services.

Therefore, my plea: Let's unite instead of engaging in constant saber-rattling. Work with us, not against us. Talk to us. We don't bite. And perhaps become partners, like us at Fairgency, or part of our Partner Universe (here, at the bottom of the page).

And finally, let's meet more often in real life instead of clashing swords with (virtual) ink - see you at our Summer Bash this year?