“Making media Lusher than we found it“: Laika and cosmetics company Lush join forces

A pinch of sea salt, a touch of patchouli and a hint of lemon: “Why does the Laika spaceship smell so fragrant lately?“, you might ask. That’s because there is a new match made in heaven – or better said in the bathtub: We are thrilled to announce that since the middle of June we’re officially working for the handmade, fresh cosmetics company Lush!

Leaving the world a lusher place

Founded in Poole, UK, Lush is known and appreciated globally, with 919 fragrant stores in 48 countries. As the inventor of bath bombs and solid shampoo bars, Lush has now greatly expanded its product range from shower and bathing products to skin and hair care to make up  – all of them fresh, handmade and cruelty-free. And that is not by chance: Since 1995 the great-smelling, privately-owned and family-run company has been driven by innovation and its ethics, aiming to create a cosmetics revolution and to leave the world lusher than it found it. 

100% recycled paper

Many initiatives show that this is not just an empty phrase or a nice marketing campaign. For example 65% of Lush’s products across all ranges such as solid shampoos, face oils, bath or shower bombs are naked (zero packaged) and due to its innovative closed loop recycling scheme all the plastic pots brought back to the stores are given a second life. For the gift packaging itself, Lush uses 100% recycled paper and continues developing ways to support communities that produce materials from waste. Also, Lush calculated its carbon emissions in its supply chain and strives to become a climate positive company through improving land use practices in its supply chain rather than buying offsets. When it comes to animal welfare, Lush is strictly against animal testing and set up “The Lush Prize“, a global prize fund to support initiatives to eliminate or replace animal testing. It is the largest prize fund in the field of non-animal products, with prize money of £250,000. Oh, and have you ever heard of the Charity Pot? Launched in 2007 with every hand and body lotion of the same name sold, Lush raises money to support small, grassroots organizations working on animal protection, human rights and environmental issues. But not only externally, also internally, the company never stops developing. For example, since 2017 Lush is 10% employee owned: This share is held in the Lush Employee Benefit Trust (EBT). Employees of the Lush Group are beneficiaries of the Lush EBT, and five trustees will look after the trust on their behalf. One of the principal aims of the Lush Employee Benefit Trust (EBT) is to protect the core values that enable Lush to maintain its ethical standards. 

Naming further initiatives would go on here, but probably at this point you might agree that Lush is much more than a mere cosmetics company – and that it's worth staying tuned and hearing about the company news. How good that Laika comes into play at this point! Because from now on we support the communications work of Lush and take care that even more people in Germany and Austria get to know about the principles, initiatives and campaigns of the company – until the (media-)world is lusher than we found it and beyond!

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