Launching Into Space: Working With and Learning From the Space Dogs

What a takeoff with the Laika space crew!  Now that I’m also part of this awesome team, I couldn’t be more excited. 

My name is Miriam, a new working student at Laika.  As a working student, my week’s split in half: half university studies and half work. It’s a nice balance of learning while gaining a lot of working experience. With Laika, I’ve found the perfect fit for me. At the beginning, I was extremely and positively surprised by the quick  response to my application, and how everyone at the agency made it possible for me to start there in time, at the beginning of my semester.  That was great, and it continues to be great, with  everyone being very kind and offering me help wherever and whenever they can. 

My responsibilities at Laika include helping out the social media team, working on some client projects,  and supporting my crew mates with their tasks. I especially enjoy brainstorming with colleagues, and doing research. 

I have to admit... I expected something significantly different from agency work, but I am quite pleased with how it actually is. The working environment is exceptionally warm and positive. There is always time for jokes or connecting with crew mates on a more personal level, which is extremely refreshing. In addition, I was  pleasantly surprised by how much we do with each other in our free time. Even if it’s just grabbing a slice of pizza together during lunch breaks, visiting each other or attending team events… it’s very nice that it feels like more than just a mere workplace with co-workers. We’re a tight crew.

Gradually, I’ve gotten more and more tasks and work to do, but at the same time, I’m learning so much from the Space Dogs about anything and everything I need to know. At first, I struggled with all the new information, but much of it is just learning by doing. I write everything down, and it helps with getting into things quicker. Of course, there is always new stuff for me to learn every day, which makes me excited about the future. 

And let’s not forget  our real office dogs, Zelda and Taco. They are yet another pleasant advantage of working at Laika. In addition, it’s  a big plus that the cool office is located in the heart of Berlin, perfect for lunch breaks and uncovering new food hotspots every day. 

I learned a lot about myself in the first few weeks. For example, I should never be afraid of trying new things. Change is something great, especially when it comes to starting a new phase in life and a new job - there is nothing to be afraid of.

I’m very happy that I get the chance to work here and that I’m gaining all of this experience. A big Thank You especially goes out to my fellow crew mates,  who welcomed me with open arms, and who made me have a great onboarding experience. I’m looking forward to my upcoming years at Laika and becoming an expert PR professional!

Laika Crew CultureLaika