From the Netherlands to Berlin—A new space cadet

Hey everyone,

I’m Lisa, the new young star in the Laikaverse. I just boarded the mothership a few weeks ago, but I honestly already feel like a real pack member of the Laika space dogs. As I will stay here for five exciting months, let me introduce myself to you...

I study Communication Science at the University of Twente with a big focus on tech and innovations. Therefore, I was really excited when I found the internship vacancy on Laika’s website. I actually applied last November (so, pretty early on). This is probably also a good first fun fact about me: I love it when everything is well set and planned. You can imagine how happy I was when Malte, the office manager, showed me Asana on my first day. My inner Marie Kondo rejoices in proper project management.

Outside of my quite tech-focused studies, I am a big fan of singing and musicals. Second fun fact: One of the questions in my intern interview actually was, if I like Starlight Express, and that was the moment, I knew without a doubt, that I found my crew, and that I really want to work with these people. Lucky me, “yes” was the right answer. Also, I come from the Ruhrgebiet, so how couldn’t I be proud of a production taking place in Bochum?

Besides my studies and annoying people with random facts about musicals, I also write for the youth page of the local newspaper of my hometown. Creative writing, in general, is my greatest area of expertise, at least so far. Of course, I aim to learn many more things at Laika. And as it should be for any good space dog, I already tackled several tasks within the first weeks. For example, I tied up our media database account for an entire morning creating a media contact list (sorry colleagues!) and already did some translations and media pitches. Furthermore, soon, I am to join a new business pitch and will be challenged to create a communications concept from scratch. I am very excited about what else I can expect in the coming weeks. 

But no matter what it is, I hope I will always find a spare moment to cuddle with Zelda and Taco. Because, third fun (or sad?) fact about me, I always wanted to have a dog as a child and never got one. So, our office dogs are my chance to make up for it! 

This is my cue. I have to leave now and take Zelda to a photoshoot #dogfluencer. But I am really looking forward to (e-)meeting some of you while further exploring the fascinating cosmos of comms!


Laika Crew CultureLaika