First month being part of the Laika space crew

Hi, I’m Melani, a 26-year-old master’s student in PR and Advertising—the newcomer to the Laika crew. I’m from Macedonia, but was living in Turkey for the past seven years, up until this March. I’ve completed my bachelor’s studies in Ankara, and I’m currently doing my master’s studies at Istanbul University. 

Ending up at Laika was an interesting and yet unpredictable journey of looking for an internship and googling: “The best PR agencies in Berlin” (and if my memory still serves me, Laika was in the top 5 on Clutch). Afterwards, I checked out Laika’s website, and I was quite impressed with how transparent they were.  Finally, I ended up sending an email with the required information for the internship application, and here I am!

It’s been a few weeks since I started my internship here, and I really like it. Being a part of this amazing team where everyone is friendly, welcoming, and always willing to help, made me adapt easily, and motivates me to learn everything that Laika has to offer. 

Even though the first week was hectic, and there was much information to take in, I’ve already achieved a few things—all of them being pretty new to me—but that was the exciting part! :) I made a research template and background check for a potential client, I wrote a client win blog post and a boilerplate. I did some research on not the most exciting of topics, but worth the time and effort spent, as I’m  ready to use that research to write my first pitch. Of course, in order to properly complete my tasks, I was introduced to all the tools and resources the spaceship has to offer.   

I’m really eager to learn more about the practical side of PR, corporate communication, and event organization… or let’s put it this way—get to learn as much as possible during these next three months with the crew here in Berlin. I see this internship as a new experience and a great opportunity—a new path in my life that I’m really excited to venture through, all while learning new things, and improving myself practically, in the field of PR.