10 German & English podcasts founders should listen to

Photo by Juja Han on Unsplash

Photo by Juja Han on Unsplash

Thinking about starting your own thing? You’ve got an idea but don’t know how this can actually turn into a business? And on top of that: how do you even start? Hundreds of questions jump into mind when facing the decision to build your own company. It is anything but simple. Lucky you, soon-to-be entrepreneurs: podcasts are in! Countless hosts share their knowledge on starting up so that we can listen to their advice, ideas, and experiences on our way to work, during our workout, or at home while preparing something yummy in the kitchen. But - podcasts are shooting up like mushrooms. So how do you find the best among them? We put together our top 10 podcasts for you. Since we are a German agency and mainly work in the DACH region, most of them are in German. Nevertheless, as you know, it never hurts to think outside the box, so some listed here are also in English.

Was Helden tun: Breaking up with your  job and taking off on your own - many people dream of it but only very few actually do it. In Dominik Hoffmann’s talks, it’s all about building your own business while staying true to yourself in our digitized world. His interviewed guests have all gone through this process themselves and thus, are the perfect inspiration for all those who are curious about taking  their first step towards the magical world of self-employment.

Geil Montag: In the ‘Geil Montag’ podcast, the founders of Goodjobs (Paul Berg) and Cuckoo, (Lasse Kroll), talk to founders, managers or creators of sustainable or social organizations about values that go beyond money.  As they say themselves, during the work at GoodJobs, they get to know sustainable or social organization, but the most interesting thing is to meet the people behind these ideas. That's why they created the podcast: to spread their way of unique thinking.

Sidepreneur: People with amazing business ideas often fail because they don’t know how to balance starting up and their regular job. In ‘Sidepreneur’ Peter Georg Lutsch and Juliane Benad, get to the bottom of this question. Twice a week, with a Monday motivation issue and interviews on Wednesdays, they provide practical answers for their listeners.

Digital Kompakt: Inspiring interview guests with some deep insights on company formation every week!  The former Gründerszene editor-in-chief Joel Kaczmarek, knows how to get the best out of his conversations. His guests are mostly well-known business leaders. Together, they discuss their business models and provide you with interesting tips every founder should know about.

Hotel Matze (Mit Vergnügen): The ‘Mit Vergnügen’ (a popular digital city magazine) founder, Matze, created his podcast to regularly meet with smart and exciting people to learn more about their history, about successes and failures, about influences and decisions. What drives them, what do they laugh about and what does their everyday life look like?

Business Punk - How to Hack:At Business Punk you don't just get your regular dose of blah-blah, you get solid learning.” So headphones in/on and listen! This podcast is all about practical advice and know-how from successful founders and creatives. They answer questions about their personal tips and hacks as well as everything about working life.

FE.MALE FOUNDERS: As a newcomer podcast the FE.MALE FOUNDERS podcast is the first one to focus on female founders of the German digital scene. The hosts Kristina Peneva and Hanna Irmisch are part of the team of the "Gründerwettbewerb - Digitale Innovationen"  of the Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie (BMWi) and talk about professional CVs, challenges in founding, gender issues and business successes on the basis of stories about women founders. 

Startup-DNA: A classic in the entrepreneurship podcast scene: Listen to business expert Frank Thelen and his exciting interview guests discussing new technologies, startups or mind-breaking ideas.

The Tim Ferriss Show: The next one on the list is not only for entrepreneurs, although it definitely has some top top-notch interview guests like the founders of Airbnb: In his podcast, Tim Ferriss, a successful entrepreneur, self-experimenter, and bestselling author talks to experts from all kinds of fields digging deep to find practical tips and tricks everybody can use.  

The Entrepreneur Insights: Last but not least: The Entrepreneur Insights Podcast keeps what the name promises: Thomas Reck looks into the minds of various entrepreneurs and elicits their stories, journeys and experiences, helping you to avoid common pitfalls. 

Here they are, our current top 10! We think they have some brilliant tips and motivation, no matter what you do or what you are trying to start. So, best listen to them directly, we hope you find them at least as inspirational as we do. And in case we forgot one that you think should absolutely not be missing, don't hesitate to let us know by writing to newsletter@laika.berlin.