Welcome 🦕!


As a birthday present for our two-year agency anniversary, we won a new communications budget in September, which we are now proud to share with you: Laika is responsible for Webbosaurus’ public relations. Hip Hip Hooray!

What might sound like we work for some dinosaur technology is actually a pretty smart and innovative tool. It helps the so called “German Mittelstand” with one of their biggest challenges: reducing the cost for manually monitoring all the review platforms relevant for them. Nevertheless, it is fundamental for business success to keep track of ratings and customer opinions of the various portals and online stores such as Amazon, Google Maps or Trustpilot. This is the only way to react successfully and promptly, especially to criticism, but of course also to customer praise.

Webbosaurus has developed its Review Monitoring Tool to simplify this interaction process, improve customer understanding and ultimately increase sales. This intuitive solution provides companies with an overview of the review portals that are important to them and enables them to contact their customers or users directly. In addition, the numerous social media channels such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, etc. as well as forums, blogs, online news and reviews require attention. Here too, digital conversations take place about brands, products or topics that are important to companies. Webbosaurus' Social Listening Tool enables companies to monitor more than 300 million sources, enabling them to record and analyze all relevant articles and reports and thus learn who is talking about them, when, how and where.

In order to make small and medium-sized businesses aware of this hidden customer experience potential, we are now handling all public relations for Webbosaurus. This means we are responsible for media relations and product communication as well as the planning, conception and implementation of communication campaigns and measures.

We are very pleased about a joint 🚀 launch together with our new customer, as W&V and Basic Thinking have already expressed their interest within the first month of our collaboration.

Welcome Webbosaurus! We are looking forward to plenty of exciting missions together with you!

Client NewsLaika