We are electrified! Scooting through the unu-verse

We are pleased to call this sustainable company our speedy new addition! unu has joined our spaceship and we could not be happier. Us space dogs are enthusiastically looking forward to our bright future working together. Learn all about our new partnership in the following blog! 

Stylish and sustainable from A to B

Fast and affordable travel in the cities only possible by car or public transportation? Far from it! unu offers another smart option. On their electric city scooters, no road will ever be too long for us. The Berlin-based mobility company offers you everything your racing heart desires. Chic solutions for urban and emission-saving everyday transport. And the best thing: the scooter in your favorite color will be conveniently delivered to your doorstep. The fancy vehicle is also​ quite practical, with enough space for two people and luggage. With unu, we are perfectly equipped for a short trip around the block or immediately into space! Aside from the appearance, unu has the unique mission to combine elegant design with useful and environmentally friendly technology, and thus makes the perfect catch for us space dogs. 

E-mobility for all: our message to consumers 

Together with unu we want to bring modern and safe urban e-mobility forward by strengthening their presence in high reach media - mostly online - and helping the company gain customer trust. Laika is up for the task and will support unu with creative storytelling and strategic PR activities. This of course includes corporate communications, investor relations, brand collaborations and product launches. 

The important part of our collaboration will be to come up with the right angles and brand partnerships in order to reinforce unu's position in the German market as a safe and  sustainable urban transportation model accessible to everyone. We therefore act as consultants and press office in the German market to tackle day to day PR business and media requests. The Berlin start up fits nicely into our portfolio of having worked with other great e-mobility brands such as ONO and Heliox

Helmets on! Our adventure into this modern and pretty form of mobility has begun. 

Client NewsLaika