Three ladies for Laika


Even before Covid-19 we had a busy time at Laika as we doubled the team within only a few months . While we normally would have taken the time to introduce you to each new team member individually, we now chose the speedy route to get you up to date and present you our first trio of new team members all at once: Meet our 3 new ladies for Laika!

Sandra - From fashion to tech

Lady number one is Sandra, who has been supporting Laika since September (Gosh! We’re really late on this!) Born and raised in Berlin, Sandra turned her passion into her profession and studied fashion management. During her studies, she already got her first taste of PR during a practical semester and made her first contacts in the world of agencies. Before joining Laika, Sandra used her skills in various lifestyle agencies and worked with international clients such as Levi's, Kings of Indigo and Fred Perry. In addition to media relations, her tasks also included the development and implementation of events and press trips. We were very happy that Sandra, after years in fashion PR, was looking for a new challenge and found her way to Laika and the tech world. With the diversity of our customers we were able to inspire her directly - since then, she uses her trained communication eye on accounts such as Snapchat, orderbird, StyleStore and Kimble.

If Sandra needs a break from Berlin and us, we still know where to find her: As a lover of England, she dreams of spending every spare minute there. Whether history, culture, nature or music - her enthusiasm knows no boundaries. In addition the o spontaneous trips to the British Isles, Sandra loves to lace up her running shoes or just go to a concert of one of her favourite British bands.

Nadine - From media to the agency side

Number two of the trio is Nadine Schulz, originally from Mönchengladbach. After gaining her very first experiences at a radio station in the USA, it was very clear to her: working in media is her dream job. That decision made, she moved to Berlin to earn a Bachelor's degree in journalism. Throughout the years she worked at several media outlets such as Bild, ProSiebenSat.1 and most recently Wizelife. In addition, Nadine also brings a sound knowledge of communications consulting, which she acquired through freelance work with the Avantgarde Gesellschaft für Kommunikation, among others. There Nadine spent almost ten years implementing exciting projects for Audi in Dubai, Formula 1 Grand Prix in Barcelona, Bread & Butter and the IFA in Berlin. Now at Laika Nadine is curious to dive deep into the world of tech by supporting clients such as Livingpackets, WisR and Appvisory. Outside of work, , Nadine’s  interests and curiosity extend to different cultures through extensive travelling. Due to a previous Erasmus stay in Barcelona, she is a big fan of Spain and she is always attracted to the lively and colourful city. Friendships are very important to her, so she likes to spend time with her crew doing activities such as yoga, swimming, meditating, jogging or wellness.

Anne - Extra research and sustainability power 

All good things go by three: Anne has been on board since November. Born and raised in Augsburg, she was drawn to the great capital for her Master's degree. Anne brings with her valuable experience in the field of marketing, as she has already worked for a company in Augsburg as a working student for 1.5 years. As many of our startup clients work on sustainable solutions, the job as a working student at Laika was tailor-made for her. At Laika, Anne can combine her studies of environmental and resource management with her job and gain new experiences in PR - a win-win situation. In her spare time, Anne can be easily found doing sports. She enjoys nature while hiking, mountain biking, running or climbing. She loves the mountains, understandably so, as it reminds her of her home region of  Bavaria. When she has more time, Anne is always on the go to explore the world - whether in Asia, Africa or by bus through Europe, she has already been on the road a lot. 

A belated welcome to Sandra, Nadine & Anne!

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