Swapping spaceships—How Cate made it from Leeds to Berlin

At the beginning of November, we had a first in our spaceship. For the first time ever, we welcomed a space traveler from our federation of partner agencies aboard our mothership to explore and experience the way we do comms. Her name is Cate, she’s British, and she works for the Lucre Group–and we like her a lot. 

To bring the L’Attitude partner network to life, we like to offer our crew members and our partners’ staff the opportunity to travel, learn and grow by experiencing different cultures and work styles. 

To give you a more personal view on what such an experience might look like and to introduce you to our nice guest, we interviewed her for you. Here’s what she had to say: 

Please tell us a bit more about you: Who is Cate?

I’m Cate, a Content and Account Executive from Leeds, England. At my agency, Lucre, I nurture PR relationships, produce many types of visual and written content and work on some really fun campaigns! In my spare time, I love to do all things creative - from being in theatre productions to creating artwork.

Why did you decide to visit the Laika Space Dogs?

Spending time in other parts of the world has always appealed to me, so when the opportunity was offered by L’Attitude - a Lucre-founded network of international agencies  I jumped at the chance to be the first person to take part. I have visited Germany before and loved every second, so an agency in Berlin seemed to fit really well. The in-house photography at Laika really interested me, as I’ve wanted to develop my own photography and editing skills for a long time. 

What drives you personally?

I love the chance to get creative, so being in an agency environment that allows me to do that, really motivates me. I find that my best ideas come from working in a casual setting, so I really thrive in agency life.

What makes the Lucre Group? What are you all about?

The Lucre Group is a fun, young agency that has authenticity at its core. The team members always encourage each other to be the best . They also offer amazing work perks; if it wasn’t for Lucre (and Laika, of course) I wouldn’t be in Berlin right now!

How is Berlin and your experience so far?

I’m really enjoying my time in Berlin. The team at Laika have been so welcoming and have even shown me the best ten-pin bowling techniques (that didn’t stop me from losing though!) I’m loving the city and the beautiful buildings here, not to mention the delicious food - my favorite is Chilliwurst! 

I’m so grateful to Laika for hosting me and teaching me all about PR in Berlin, photography, and how work cultures differ here. I had no idea how much skill it takes to set up the perfect photo!

What’s next for you?

When I return to England, I’m going to make sure to spend some quality time with my family and friends and start preparing for Christmas. I’m also hoping to use my developed photography skills to showcase the amazing time I had in Berlin and share my new-found skills with the Lucre team and clients.

Laika Crew CultureLaika