Laika starts OWM diversity initiative


We are proud to announce our newest workspace diversity initiative: OWM!

“At Laika we strive for diversity. This is being reflected in our team, no matter the ethnicity, gender or sexual orientation. However we did become aware that we had completely forgotten about one marginal group of people who have lately been ostracised from, and even at times ignored by modern society. We are talking about OWM.”, explains our 34 year old female CEO and founder Michaela Krause. “Old White Men (OWM) are our richest source of experience, intelligence as well as skills and are of course, worth every penny. Nevertheless, lately there has been a certain bias against them making them unable to bring their valuable opinions across properly. With growing prejudice against them, these men have also been increasingly experiencing the inability to share their self-made-man workspace experience “in today’s world”.

A picture of the past: Young women struggling with strategies at Laika as there was no OWM in their workforce

A picture of the past: Young women struggling with strategies at Laika as there was no OWM in their workforce

Becoming aware of this problem, Laika is proud to launch a new OWM diversity initiative with the goal to strengthen the representation of conservative men in the agency and media landscape alike. Starting with the “man in the mirror” so to say, we as an innovation focused agency will self commit to change the current setup of 65 percent female employees, 25 percent people of color / minorities and 100 percent of employees aged under the age of 45 to a much more OWM inclusive future with a special focus on lifting those men in the leadership positions they are entitled to. 

Gerhard, 59 at his new job: His task is to turn the rudder around before the Laika spaceship experiences a crash landing

Gerhard, 59 at his new job: His task is to turn the rudder around before the Laika spaceship experiences a crash landing

As a first step, we hired Gerhard Müller, 59. “When Michaela started her OWM initiative I knew this was a call for help. She told me how often young male startup founder teams asked why she only has a female management force when starting out. I simply had to support those girls. Laika already got so far with their pretty nice ladies, but let’s be honest, rocket growth and stellar performance is a job for two strong hands. Now that there is a mature captain aboard, this space ship can aggressively explore new territories”.

Gerhard is not alone in his enthusiasm. The entire team is delighted about the opportunities and change in mindset that comes with the Laika OWM initiative and their new colleague:

Hiring Gerhard surely only has been the start of our OWM mission. If you want to join him and us please apply via or simply click the button below.