Joining from Another Universe


...Ok maybe not entirely. As you can see, I'm human through and through (maybe also part AI – nowadays a valid possibility – but you'll have to find that out for yourself). Nevertheless, my background is one that probably meets PR on the other side of the fence. Therefore, the most obvious and most often asked question since my start at Laika is (in “space terms” of course): Why did you switch over to the dark side of the Force? Sith Lord Darth Sidious would be happy about this. Or better said: Why did you switch from journalism to PR? 

Well... yes... why actually? 

First of all, Sidious didn't pull me to the dark side – and actually it's pretty light here too. 

Short story long: I've always loved writing and content (shout out to my then 6th grade German teacher who "had" to listen to and read through my various texts and book ideas), and that's why I finally found my way to journalism after a little detour in economics. I wrote texts for the German speaking edition of the well known business magazine Forbes, managed the production of the magazine, moderated panels, co-organized events like the Forbes Women's Summit and Forbes 30 Under 30 and was host of the F15´-Youtube Channel “Good Morning Vibrations - The Morning makes the Day, Diversity makes the Difference“. It's been a crazy 2.5 years, and I would have never wanted to miss it. But at a certain point, it was time to move on to enrich my perspective, broaden my experience and get to know myself in a new role.

And that's when the magic happened...

At first, I was skeptical – like so many journalists are when they consider going into PR. Could I really imagine "switching sides?"

Admittedly, Laika made the decision pretty easy for me. Team, you better listen now – cause that's when the praise comes in: On the one hand, Laika with its tech and entrepreneurial focus, looks after immensely exciting clients such as Twitch, Snapchat, Skullcandy, weclapp and expertlead. On the other hand, all Laika pack members have a very broad and profound background and expertise – from communications, gaming to opera singing and much more. This makes it unbelievably exciting to work on various projects and to explore new ways of communication together – and to learn from each other. Furthermore, the team spirit is literally from another planet – here people stick together and support each other very much (at this point also, a big thank you to the team for the really warm welcome!).

As for me, most of the time my spaceship launches from Cologne, as I live in (arguably) the most beautiful city in Germany (believe it or not, home is where the dome is!) and work remotely from there most of the time. But every now and then, you can also find me at Laika’s base station in Berlin.

So be ready, a new crew member has joined the mothership (not exactly from another universe, but from Cologne), and I am definitely ready to take off!   🚀