Interning as a Student with Laika – An Experience to Remember

Hey everyone,

My name is Evan Maupin and I’m the second ever student intern to join the space dog fam (if only for such a brief period).

I’m 14, soon to turn 15, and in 9th grade, which means I, along with every other 9th grader in Berlin, get the opportunity to get a bit of life experience by working somewhere for almost 3 weeks. I knew I wanted to do something creative, and my step-dad had turned me on to PR, so I sent out an email to the dozen or so biggest PR agencies in Berlin and waited with baited breath. More than half never responded and two or three turned me down, but Laika immediately welcomed me with so much warmth and enthusiasm that I couldn’t have turned them down, even if I had wanted to.

And from the very beginning, the team here at Laika have all been so kind and welcoming. I’ve had the honor of working with most of the space dogs, and it’s been an experience that I will never forget. On the very first day, I was greeted at the door by Ela and Malte (and Zelda), and then shown to my very own desk, which was covered with all sorts of Laika merch (very cool). In the three short weeks that I spent here, I learned how to write press statements, come up with branding strategies, monitor media trends, create convincing pitches and so much more. But perhaps even more importantly, I learned what it’s like to have a job, to have working hours and to work in an office; a truly valuable experience.

Alas, all good things must come to an end. So I sit here today on my last day at Laika and reflect on my short and wonderful time here. It has truly been an experience I will never forget, I have learned so much from these talented and amazing people, and I’m sure I will be able to take many of the lessons I have learned here with me for the future. I really appreciate that my ideas, while no doubt naïve or downright idiotic, were taken seriously and that I was treated to the same level of professionalism and respect as every other member of this team; of this pack.

One of the most important things I have learned here is that it’s ok to have fun at work. 

But I know that Laika is special in this way. I am so fortunate to have found such an amazing team to work with and I want to thank every space dog for welcoming me so warmly into your crew and may you continue to bloom now and forever.

And to any future space travelers searching the vast cosmos of comms for an in, or just a place to work, I can wholeheartedly recommend this fine establishment. And yes: you might find a job, but more importantly, you will have also gained a team that sticks together. 

And two dogs ;)

Laika Crew CultureLaika