From the dog walk to the moon walk: Laika changes Elon Musk’s opinion on PR for good

Photo by SpaceX on Unsplash

Berlin, April 1st 2022: Berlin based Laika Communications is pleased to have pulled a vehement PR doubter on the "dark side of the moon" - so to say. On an impromptu dog walk in Grünheide, none other than Elon Musk was convinced by Zelda and her team to give public relations a second chance. Musk, who is famous for his companies such as Tesla and SpaceX not having a PR department as he is opposed to “manipulating public opinion”, was finally convinced by the fellow space travelers with an underdog attitude out of space.

“No hard feelings - we are happy to forgive Elon for his rather harsh remarks about our profession made in the G-force frenzy. We are very much looking forward to supporting him in the future and free him of the burden of being a human one-man PR show”, explains Laika CEO Michaela Krause.

“We know how hard it can be when media doesn’t understand what you and your company are doing - we therefore will focus strongly on providing journalists with accurate, verified information and will need to obtain a few corrections. Editing Elon's tweets alone, will keep a five people strong team occupied 24/7. But we’ll carve out some time to come up with the right product communications strategy for a bunch of new products such as the space dragons with lasers update”, remarks brand consultant and Musk-fanboy Can Gezer. 

“Cultivating better relationships with press can unfortunately not be avoided until my colony on Mars is finished, and I can finally leave for good”, adds Musk to explain his unusually spontaneous change of direction. “I therefore might as well go with an agency that can make shooting a dog into space look like a good story.”