From Alien to Astronaut 


I am a new research intern at Laika - here are my thoughts on the first day at the space ship:
Woa, what a day! I launched into outer space by moving from Utrecht, where I lived on the countryside between sheep and cows, to the big busy city life in Berlin. Although I lived in Berlin before, and travel around regularly, I still felt like an Englishman in New York. The city had changed drastically in the last seven years and I felt like I had been standing still, the altitudes had a different feel over here. 
After three days of trying to settle in on my friend’s couch, the morning of my first day at Laika arrived. I shot out of bed like a comet, ready to take on the day and get started on my research internship.

An International Business Student in the Laikaverse

When arriving in Laika space I was welcomed with smiles, open arms and paws. My desk was full of brand new Laika merchandise. Everything was there for me, from little space candy to customised hats, a Laika bag, shirt, notebook and PR material to get me acquainted with the industry and the benchmarks. 

The first two weeks at Laika were all about getting familiar with the world of communications and PR. A workshop given by Ela herself gave me a first insight into the new world I just walked into. Additionally, I received a book on branding, PR & advertising as well as a research book. These learning materials were very welcome in order to reach my goal at Laika, which is mainly to conduct research for my thesis on creating a competitive advantage. 

In the Netherlands I study International Business and Languages. This two-part degree prepares students for an international career. As part of the degree, a global perspective needs to be developed which allows students to see how globalisation has brought an increasing connection between businesses, markets, people and information across countries. I was especially interested in International Marketing Communication and International Economic Organisation, a course I took for two semesters in Barcelona during my studies abroad. Business Law and Export Management, as well as three languages Business English, German and Spanish have prepared me through the last years for a final research project. 

Objectives and new frontiers

Laika is a relatively young company. To succeed as a communications agency, just like any other business, it is important to conduct market research at an early stage in order to understand the (potential) clients. Market research can reveal what the company’s place within a market is and which place is desired. Additionally, market research can be used to decide on different business matters, such as pricing for example. Insight into these important factors ensure that a company can form a strategy and is able to continuously make good business decisions and work on improvement based on research. 

My research is set out to investigate what Laika should do to expand its market share. A clear-cut marketing communication plan is very important for any organisation. At Laika there is an opportunity for development and to evolve from an individual entity to an organisation that works together to achieve common goals. After all, the universe is a pretty big place and setting a course can benefit all. The aim is to reach competitive advantage by developing a strategic marketing plan for Laika to use in the international communications industry. The quest for data based research and a marketing communication plan allowed me to form the main research question: ‘What should Laika do to increase its awareness to create a competitive advantage?’

In order to carry out my research I firstly had to decide what part of my studies appealed to me the most so I would be able to do research on a topic that interests me. This choice was made quickly as I had always enjoyed doing projects involving market research. Therefore, I was looking for a company that was small yet expanding in a way that had little to do with expanding in employees, but rather expanding its perspective and in the market itself. Conquering new galaxies, one might say; I looked for a communications agency despite not having a lot of experience in the industry. I had developed a preference for the communications part of marketing and I decided a final internship at a company within this industry would be a great opportunity to decide if it was really a good fit for me. Upon first contact with CEO Michaela I became very excited as Laika exactly met my search criteria and could use the kind of data I could provide with my research.

On the Competitive Conquest 

As the aim of my project is to discover what Laika can do to create a competitive advantage, I have formed  topics and sub questions that have the goal to jointly provide insight into the main research question. The first phase of my work is to conduct market research which will provide insight into the (potential and former) clients, additional services, branding, budget allocation and marketing goals. By using a survey I can gather all the data I need to know more about Laika's positioning. Thank you to everyone who answered the questionnaire so far! The next conquest will be a competitor analysis which will be conducted to identify competitors and analyse threats and chances to get an understanding of market trends. This analysis will also allow me to adjust the market and positioning strategy accordingly and give an answer to the sub question: ‘what are the factors that influence the communications industry?’ The outcome of this exploratory research will be used to form and apply a strategic marketing plan; resulting in the last sub question: ‘which marketing strategy plan should Laika implement?’ 

A Legal Alien 

After two months of working and researching at Laika I can happily say that I couldn’t have wished for a better company than this one in the heart of Berlin. Laika is a great, innovative and modern company with a young but experienced team. 

I am glad to finish the last part of my studies in collaboration here. Laika is a great place for an internship, I am learning new things everyday, not to mention: my German language skills are improving rapidly! As a foreigner in a new country, new city and new workplace, it can be difficult at first to feel at home, especially when the office language is not your first language, or when you are not acquainted with the industry. After more than eight weeks at Laika, I can smilingly say that, where I first might have felt like a stranger in space, I’m now an alien at home, I’m a legal alien (Ohoo)! 

- Noëlle Bovenberg, Research Intern.