0 Waste, 1 Client, 1 new Pack member = Endless possibilities

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New year, old resolutions: Since starting Laika, we aimed to find those ideas, startups and entrepreneurs that have the potential to indeed change the world we live in for the better. Working with more sustainable startups, with bolder ideas - are two of the focus areas that have been on the Laika team wishlist of 2019. And we are off to a good start: As a last Christmas gift of 2019 we won the PR account of LivingPackets, who we are now ready to proudly announce as a Laika client.

LivingWhat…? you might think. Let us explain. If everything goes well, 2020 will be the year that THE BOX will make it into your newspaper, on your TV and yes, also your home and office. So what is this all about? Well, it is a box. But not just any Box. THE BOX! The first connected, smart, reusable and sustainable packaging for e-commerce. Too many adjectives? Well, here are the harsh facts: Every year, 700 million trees are cut down for the production of shipping cartons and 8 million tons of plastic end up in our seas. After three years of research and countless prototypes, LivingPackets has developed THE BOX, an intelligent and sustainable packaging system that eliminates packaging waste in online retail and can be reused up to 1,000 times! Smart, right? Now our job is to spread the word about those helpful boxes. Keep your eyes peeled!

Good news that we have a new team member to help us on our mission. Brand consultant Can Gezer joined our pack in January and is thrilled about the new challenges awaiting him.

"Many startups have strong products, but their brands are too weak to establish themselves on the market in the long term. I have come to Laika to support customers with exactly this challenge and to accompany brands of the future from the very beginning in terms of communication and strategy", says Can.

We couldn’t have said it better. We will soon introduce you to our new colleague in more detail, so watch this place!

Welcome Can & LivingPackets!

Client NewsLaika